In The News
2024 Archangel Award Gala
NYPD cop struck, left paralyzed by fleeing driver among those honored at ‘Blue Lives Matter’ gala
Click for NY Post Story

Brave Texas boy, 8, with terminal cancer all smiles during whirlwind NYC trip where he’ll be sworn in as NYPD detective
The spirited child was all smiles as he stepped off his early-morning flight from Houston at Newark Airport Tuesday — and was met by about 30 NYPD, PAPD and New York State Police officers.
After that hero’s welcome, Julian and his dad were then treated to a lights-and-sirens procession to Staten Island, where they were dropped off at the NYPD’s 121st Precinct.

Blue Lives NYC Honors Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez Trip
We were honored to have hosted Michael Martinez and his family on a trip to NYC.
Michael Martinez, a 9-year-old from Texas with cerebral palsy, was honored by Blue Lives Matter NYC and the NYPD on Friday after he was bullied for attending career day as a police officer.

2023 Archangel Gala
2023 Gala
Thank you to our sponsors and all who attended our 2023 Archangel Gala. The event was a huge success thanks to our hardworking volunteers and our closest supporters.

Blue Lives in the News
10-year-old boy with terminal brain cancer becomes honorary NYPD cop

Gala Video
Presented by Blue Lives Matter NYC
This video is dedicated to all those who lost their lives protecting and serving.
Thank you to everyone involved, especially the fallen and their families.

Orange County Choppers donates custom motorcycle
Paul Teutul Sr., the fiery star of the show, handed over the handmade chopper — which was built by Orange County Choppers in 2004 to honor the police force following 9/11 — to Blue Lives Matter NYC in a show of appreciation for the NYPD on Wednesday.
“I think that’s the home that bike belongs in,” he said, adding he hopes one day it ends up in One Police Plaza. “I think people need to remember what police do for us and the country. It’s very important for Orange County Choppers and people who work.”
Recent Event
Andreula Family Donation
Blue Lives Matter NYC stepped up with a “small act of kindness” Thursday — raising $27,000 for an NYPD detective after his wife was diagnosed with stage-four cancer.
The 20-year veteran, Detective James Andreula, who was assigned to the Midtown North Detective Squad, said he has been “overwhelmed” with the outpouring of support since his family got the news just before the pandemic COVID hit New York City.
When presented with the check Thursday afternoon at the Midtown North Precinct house, Andreula told his fellow officers he couldn’t begin to explain how much the money meant to him and his family.

Chief Abigail Arias Visit
Beyond The Line
It's finally here! our long awaited Beyond The Line interactive video is available for your viewing. Brought to you by Blue Lives Matter NYC and our talented video producer Antonio Bolfo. Beyond The Line gives a behind the scenes perspective into the life of a cop. Please enjoy the trailer then click the link to view the complete video and our click through interviews with the families of fallen officers and our Blue Lives team.